23 Applets

Statistical applets ArtofStat and Rossman and Chance are available within the Applets-Calculator toolbox of Rguroo. Moreover, you can open Desmos scientific and graphical calculators within Rguroo. Below we show a few examples of the use of the Desmos calculator, and ArtofStat Applets.

23.1 Computing a Factorial

Instructions for computing a factorial

  1. Open the Applets-Calculators toolbox on the left-hand side of the Rguroo window. Expand the Calculators (Desmos), and choose the Scientific Calculator (see Figure 23.1) .
  2. In the main section, enter the number that you want to compute its factorial.
  3. Click on the func section to open the functions menu of the calculator.
  4. Select the factorial sign!. The example below shows the computation of \(10!\).
Desmos calculator for computing factorial

Figure 23.1: Desmos calculator for computing factorial

23.2 Computing a Combination

Instructions for computing a combination

  1. Open the Applets-Calculators toolbox on the left-hand side of the Rguroo window. Expand the Calculators (Desmos), and choose the Scientific Calculator (see Figure 23.2) .
  2. Click on the func option to open the functions menu of the calculator.
  3. Select nCr and enter the two required values separated by a comma. The example below shows the computation of fifteen choose 5 \(\pmatrix{15\\5}\).
Desmos calculator for computing combination

Figure 23.2: Desmos calculator for computing combination

23.3 Computing a Permutation

  1. Open the Applets-Calculators toolbox on the left-hand side of the Rguroo window. Expand the Calculators (Desmos), and choose the Scientific Calculator (see Figure 23.3) .
  2. Click on the func option to open the functions menu of the calculator.
  3. Select nPr and enter the two required values separated by a comma. The example below shows the permutation of fifteen items by 5 \(15\ P\ 5\).

Desmos calculator for computing permutation

Figure 23.3: Desmos calculator for computing permutation

23.4 Sample Size Calculation for Estimating a Population Proportion

Instructions for calculating sample size for a proportion in Rguroo 1. Open the Applets-Calulators toolbox on the left-hand side of the Rguroo window. Expand the ArtofStat by clicking on the + sign, and click on the Inference for a Proportion

  1. Selrct the tab Find Sample Size (see Figure 23.4).

  2. Enter the required values in the corresponding fields. The example below shows the calculation of the sample size required to estimate a population proportion with a margin of error of 0.05, a confidence level of 95%, and an estimated population proportion of 0.5.

ArtofStat applet for calculating sample size for a proportion

Figure 23.4: ArtofStat applet for calculating sample size for a proportion

23.5 Sample Size Calculation for Estimating a Population Mean

Instructions for calculating sample size for a population mean in Rguroo 1. Open the Applets-Calulators toolbox on the left-hand side of the Rguroo window. Expand the ArtofStat by clicking on the + sign, and click on the Inference for a Mean

  1. Selrct the tab Find Sample Size (see Figure 23.5).

  2. Enter the required values in the corresponding fields. The example below shows the calculation of the sample size required to estimate a population mean with a margin of error of 0.1, a confidence level of 95%, and a standard deviation of 0.25. We have also included a plot of the sample size as a function of the margin of error.

ArtofStat applet for calculating sample size for a mean

Figure 23.5: ArtofStat applet for calculating sample size to estimate a population mean