Non-Parametric ANOVA Report

Case Summary

Model: weight ~ group

Data.Used No.
Number of cases read 30
Number of cases used in analysis 30
Number of incomplete cases (omitted) 0

Response Variable Summary

Model: weight ~ group

Count NAs (Missings)
30 0

Effect: group

group Count NAs (Missings)
ctrl 10 0
trt1 10 0
trt2 10 0

Kruskal-Wallis Test

Model: weight ~ group

Method Observed Chi-Squared df p-value BFB
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test 7.98823 2 0.0184238 4.99927

Response is significant at 5% significance level.

weight ~ group

Boxplot for One-Way

Kruskal-Wallis P-value Graph

Model: weight ~ group

Density Graph

Response is significant at 5% significance level.

Permutation Test

Model: weight ~ group

Method Observed Chi-Squared p-value BFB
Permutation K-W Chi-square 7.98823 0.009 8.67747

Response is significant at 5% significance level.

Permutation Test P-value Graph

Model: weight ~ group

  ,  The graph shows the distribution of  simulated    ,  Observed Chi-squared Value = 7.9882 , P-value = 0.009 , Critical boundary for alpha = 0.05% , Critical values = (-Inf, 5.3963) , Number of simulations = 1000 ,

Response is significant at 5% significance level.