Two Population Median Inference

Data Summary

Variable Cases read Cases missing Cases used Min Median Max
Healthy 14 0 14 2.83216 4.93049 5.74247
Diabetic 14 0 14 4.62004 5.17533 8.2125

Mann-Whitney Test of Shift in Location: Healthy - Diabetic

Sample sizes: Healthy = 14; Diabetic = 14
Difference of Sample Medians Healthy - Diabetic = -0.244838

Null Hypothesis H0: Shift in Location 'Healthy - Diabetic' is equal to 0
Alternative Hypothesis Ha: Shift in Location 'Healthy - Diabetic' is less than 0

Method Test Stat. P-Value
Exact 72 0.122815

Permutation Test of Difference of Medians: Healthy - Diabetic

Alternative Hypothesis Ha: Difference of Medians of Healthy and Diabetic is less than 0
Number of replications = 10000; Random generator seed = 100

Diff Obs Sample Medians Median Permutation Diff 5% Lower Critical Value P-value
-0.244838 -0.00189991 -0.59858 0.287671

Test is not significant at 5% level.

Distribution of Permutation Replicates: Sample Median
Healthy - Diabetic

The title of the graph is  Distribution of Permutation Replicates: Sample MedianHealthy - Diabetic
  ,  The graph shows the distribution of  Permutation Test  Healthy - Diabetic  ,   Obs. Diff. of Sample Medians = -0.244838 , P-Value = 0.2876712 , Critical boundary for  alpha  =  5% , 
 Critical value = -0.5985804 , Number of replications = 10000 , Random generator seed = 100