Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression Report

Data, Method, and Model

Number of cases used in the analysis 756
Number of incomplete (omitted) cases 556
Link Function logit
Model Survived ~ Age +PClass

Response Information

Variable Value Count
Survived Survived 313 (Event)
Died 443
Total 756

Parameter Estimates

Model formula: Survived ~ Age +PClass
Event = Survived
Reference Level(s): PClass (1st)

Term Coefficient Standard Error Z-Value P-Value
(Intercept) 2.0337 0.3069 6.627 3.425e-11
Age -0.038504 0.006546 -5.882 4.045e-09
PClass (2nd) -1.1458 0.2203 -5.202 1.97e-07
PClass (3rd) -2.2315 0.229 -9.745 1.94e-22

Odds Ratios

Model formula: Survived ~ Age +PClass
Event = Survived
Reference Level(s): PClass (1st)

Term Change Odds Ratio 2.5% Lower CL 97.5% Upper CL
Age 1 0.9622 0.95 0.9747
PClass (2nd) 0.318 0.2065 0.4896
PClass (3rd) 0.1074 0.06854 0.1682

Measures of Model Fit

Model formula: Survived ~ Age +PClass
Event = Survived

Measure Value df
Deviance* 909.917 752
Null Deviance** 1025.57 755
Log Likelihood -454.958 4
MSE (Brier Score) 0.206482
R-Squared 11.28%
Adj R-Squared 10.92%
AIC 917.917
BIC 936.429

* Deviance for the specified model.
** Deviance for the intercept-only model.

Goodness-of-Fit Tests

Test DF Chi-Square P-Value
Deviance 752 909.917 6.295e-05
Pearson 752 764.977 0.3632
Hosmer-Lemeshow* 8 9.3605 0.3128

*Number of groups for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test = 10

Confusions Matrix

Event = Survived; Classification Cutoff = 0.5

Actual Predicted Survived Predicted Died Total
Survived 158 (20.9%) 155 (20.5%) 313 (41.4%)
Died 93 (12.3%) 350 (46.3%) 443 (58.6%)
Total 251 (33.2%) 505 (66.8%) 756 (100%)

Confusion Matrix Graph

A graph of the confusion matrix. The classification cutoff is 0.5The y-axis is the predicted probabilities, and the x-axis is
  the actual observed values of the response with the event beingSurvivedThe true positives are shown on the top left, true negatives are shown
    in the bottom right, the false positives are shown on the top right
   , and the false negatives are shown in the bottom left.

Density of Predicted Probabilities

A graph of the densities of predicted probabilities corresponding
  to observed events and non-events. The x-axis depicts the probabilities and
  the y-axis shows the density values. The event here isSurvivedand Thenon-event isDied

ROC Plot and Cost Function Plot

ROC and Cost Plots, AUC = 0.721
 FP Cost = 1, FN Cost = 1, Optimal Cutoff = 0.53, Total Cost = 238for the ROC curve , ,
    The x-axis is False Positive rate and it ranges from 0 to 1, ,
    , the y-axis is the TRUE positive rate, and it ranges from 0 to 1.
    For the cost function the x-axis is the classification cutoff and
    the y-axis is the cost that ranges from 238 , , to , ,443