Time Series

Time Specification

Time Type Start Date End Date Increment No. observed
MONTH 1973-01-01 1978-12-01 1 72

Exponential Smoothing: Parameter and Error Estimates [USAccDeaths]

Alpha Beta Gamma SSE MSE RMSE
0.5 --- --- 4.88896e+07 688586 829.811

Exponential Smoothing: Coefficient Estimates [USAccDeaths]


Exponential Smoothing of [USAccDeaths] (alpha = 0.5)

, ,This graph shows time series plot for the variables, , USAccDeaths, , The x-axis label is, Year, , The x-axis limits are between, 1973 and 1978, , The y-axis label is, USAccDeaths, , The y-axis limits are between, 6715 and 11494, , The graph includes a legend., , Legend 1, , USAccDeaths,  , The character used is a filled circle,  , The line type used is solid, ,, , Legend 2, , Exp Fit,  , The character used is a NA,  , The line type used is NA, ,