Two Population Proportion Inference

Data Summary

Counts: Feeling Better by Patients

- yes no Total
Treatment 21 9 30
Control 30 20 50

Confidence Interval for Difference of Two Population Proportions

Success = yes
Population 1 = Treatment, Population 2 = Control
Sample Size: Treatment = 30, Control = 50
Number of Successes: Treatment = 21, Control = 30
Proportion of Successes: Treatment = 0.7, Control = 0.6
Confidence level = 95%

Method Midpoint Std Error Lower CL Upper CL Width
Large Sample z 0.1 0.108628 -0.112907 0.312907 0.425813
Bootstrap (Percentile) 0.0933333 0.10765 -0.12 0.306667 0.426667
Wilson-Score 0.112735 0.108628 -0.0920369 0.317508 0.409545

Bootstrap Confidence Interval Graph: Feeling Better

The title of
          the graph is Bootstrap Distribution of Difference of Sample
          Proportions , The graph shows the distribution of Proportion
          Difference: (Treatment - Control) , hat(p)[1] - hat(p)[2] == 0.1 ,
          Percentile Confidence Limits: (-0.12, 0.307) , Number of Replications
          = 10000 , Seed = 100