ANOVA Report

Data Summary

Model: weight ~ group
Model: fixed effect
Data: Balanced

Data.Used No.
Number of cases read 30
Number of cases used in analysis 30
Number of incomplete cases (omitted) 0

Count Summary

Model: weight ~ group
Response Variable: weight

Count NAs (Missings)
30 0

Effect: group

group Count NAs (Missings)
ctrl 10 0
trt1 10 0
trt2 10 0


Model: weight ~ group
H0: The means for all levels are equal

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F BFB
group 2 3.76634 1.88317 4.84609 0.01591 5.58407
Residual 27 10.4921 0.388596

group is significant at 5% significance level.


Model: weight ~ group

Boxplot of Response values.

Residuals vs. Fitted

Model: weight ~ group

Residual scatter plot: residuals on y-axis and fitted values on x-axis.

QQ-Plot for Residuals

Model: weight ~ group

A quantile-quantile plot of residuals.

Levene's Test on Equality of Variances
(Median is used as center)

The null hypothesis: variances are equal.

F Value DF P(>|F|)
1.11919 (2, 27) 0.341227

Test is not significant at 5% significance level.

Tukey's HSD: Multiple Comparison of Means

Table of 95% family-wise confidence level

Difference Levels Mean Lower Limit Upper Limit Adjusted p-value
trt1-ctrl -0.371 -1.06222 0.320216 0.390871
trt2-ctrl 0.494 -0.197216 1.18522 0.197996
trt2-trt1 0.865 0.173784 1.55622 0.0120064

Tukey's HSD: Multiple Comparison of Means

Graph of 95% family-wise confidence level

Tukey's HSD graph showing the interval for mean difference between different levels of term: group